Language and perspective


Late one night in early fall last year I was sitting in the breathtaking Eastern Sierras, having spent the day teaching the Rainer Arnhold (social innovation) Fellows with Kevin Starr, finishing an article for JustMeans that was a few weeks overdue. I was high – from spending time with young people who do not accept as inevitable any of the flawed models we currently live and work within and who are, without an ounce of reserve, devoting their lives to developing new ones – and from a walk in woods so beautiful that I literally could not help but hug a couple of trees along the way.

Today is the first day of spring, I’m down a whole lot closer to sea level in the foothills of the Berkshires, and I noticed that the article’s been published on the JustMeans site. For me, it will always be connected to that night in the mountains, and from that sense of optimism and connectedness.

Since last fall, I have continued my work, split between helping established businesses shift their way to a viable future, and helping social entrepreneurs who are starting fresh and honest in a world that plays by a different set of rules than their own.

Six months later, and in the cold light of day, I remain convinced that these two mightily different ways of being must become one. But in order for us to find our way, we have to speak the same language so that we can see the same path.

A failure to communicate, and a new opportunity

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